Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hot Off the Press

Lindy won't be coming home until July, much to the disappointment of her siblings. She is going to take some classes during the spring semester while living with grandma and grandpa in Idaho Falls (and hopefully working also). Because she changed her major twice she needs an extra semester to catch up to where she should be in her geology classes. This also gives her an opportunity to spend more time with the current love interest, who also lives in I.F. So we'll see what happens with that.
BUT Adrianne will be back on April 23rd -- only five weeks away! She's preparing for some serious R&R time, but also has a job lined up (we think). One year down, three to go!
Quinn is beginning his paperwork for his Eagle Scout project. He's going to build picnic tables and repair a stone barbeque and fish pond near Chapman's Mill, a local historical site (the above picture is from 2006, when Lindy painted this sign and we all helped install it as a YW Value project). We are helping to get things ready to open the mill to the public on weekends as part of the Civil War Sesquicentennial. The mill was the site of a fierce battle during 1862, and the many famous people who have played a part in its history (or it has played a part in their histories) include Gen. Edward Braddock (French and Indian War), George Washington, Jeb Stuart, John Singleton Mosby, George Armstrong Custer, and others. So Quinn is excited to play his part in preserving the mill, and to have it play a part in his life.
Luke spent his last week in Primary on Sunday. I can't believe I'm all out of Primary kids (except for my Sunbeam class of course!) He met with the Bishop, passed off his Faith in God, and is ready to be ordained a deacon. I'm so proud of him! He's growing like a weed, and I can't keep him in pants that reach his ankles and shirts that reach his wrists.