Sunday, February 21, 2010

Staying in Touch

It's a hard transition for moms to go from seeing and hugging and talking to their kids each day to just talking on the phone. We try to do a conference call every Sunday with the girls to catch up on things. And the only reason I even have a Facebook account is to see what they're posting (it's amazing to me how often Adri posts things like "I should be doing homework but I'm..." -- just confessing it for all the world to know -- except that she's doing fine in school so I don't worry).

But Friday I called her in the afternoon to find out how she did on a paper that I gave her some help with, and left a message. Later that evening she called me back, and said, "I just got done playing the piano for three hours. I didn't realize how much I had missed playing classical music. I saw a copy of Favorite Piano Classics at the BYU bookstore (we have this book at home) and I just had to buy it. So I went and had the best, most relaxing time I've had in a while."
I didn't say much, but inwardly was going, "My BABY! She's all grown up!" I knew if I didn't fuss too much about the electric guitar and the rock music (as long as it was clean) that she'd come back to classical music on her own. She also said that a guy in her American Heritage class had asked her on a date, and though she wasn't terribly excited about it, she would go out with him. Compassionate too! I'm so proud of my girls (and my boys too).