Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chasing Sunbeams

On Jan. 10th I was released as the Relief Society President of the Gainesville ward after 3 1/2 years. I had known it was coming for a while, and so had several other people, like the Primary President, who had me help with a Sunbeam class at a Primary activity on Jan. 2nd. My name was on the classroom door as a teacher, and I had several people wanting to know what's up, am I being released, etc. I told them that it was my duty to squelch rumors like that.
The next day, Sunday, during Relief Society several of these little guys came running into our meeting crying for their mommies, as it was their first day out of Nursery, and they were put out. So when I was giving my goodbyes this Sunday, I mentioned that I would come back into RS from time to time because I would be "chasing Sunbeams."
That afternoon I met in the clerk's office with the new Relief Society President. I asked her if she wanted to go over people or programs, and she chose programs, then we went over people. Telling her what I knew that she needed to know about 177 sisters took a while. Then I taught her how to use the computer for visiting teaching purposes. Then before I knew it, we had messed up the "Visiting Teaching Rubik's Cube" and then had to solve it again. All together this took us six hours!!! I felt like I was killing her, but she's pretty tough, and I had brought along snacks (chocolate goes a long way to sustain you in those times.)