Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow!

It's been pretty fun around here lately. We had a great, wet snow storm on Tuesday night, and in the morning the trees were coated in snow. It was too pretty to resist, so even though most snow days we try to do school, we just blew it off and went exploring in the woods. Then Luke and I ganged up on Quinn and had a snow battle (which we chalked up to learning military tactics in a practical, hands-on methods). Then we decided to do a sculpting lesson (making snowmen) and ended up with a giant man-eating caterpillar and The Snowman (from the movie/book of the same name by Raymond Briggs). He almost made us cry he was so perfect, and then he did make us cry when he fell over (well, not really, but Adri knows what I'm talking about).

Now we're in the middle of what the weatherman says may be one of the top five severe winter events (in the history of keeping track of such things) of the DC Metro area -- possibly two feet of snow overnight tonight with stiff winds -- should be interesting. Hopefully this will put a lasting damper on the Cap and Trade insanity.