Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello and Merry Christmas to all our friends and family!

A few words will suffice to catch you up to speed with us and our year:

Luke - Eleven
Boy Scouts
Compulsive reader
Eternal artist

Quinn - Sixteen
Almost Eagle
Violin-playing in the Concert Orchestra and beyond
Mythology and obscure language-obsessed
Even more compulsive reader
5:45 a.m. Seminary-attending
Chick magnet

Adrianne - Freshman at BYU
Entering the wild world of Mechanical Engineering
Electric guitar-obsessed
Symphonic Metal-obsessed
Able to make it to her 8 a.m. chemistry class on time!
Making good decisions

Lindy - Junior at BYU-I
Surviving in Iceburg but wishing for some global warming
Adores geology and the cool field trips she goes on
Active social life
Electric bass-obsessed
Loves to rock out with her sister

Jeni - Forty-something
Still a homeschooling Relief Society Pres.
Still loves a challenge and taking on too much (like the new Eureka! Club we’re starting up, and writing a book on homeschooling)
Still can’t play the piano or the mandolin worth a darn
Enoying helping to organize the LDS Eastern Home Educators’ Conference

Paul - Forty-something
Still doing economics for the National Mining Association
Venture Crew leader
BYU Sports fan
Bluegrass music-loving and Banjo-playing
Waiting for the kids to leave home and the dogs to die so we can spend our summers attending Bluegrass Festivals (stop me before I swoon from excitement)

We hope you have a Happy 2010!