Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another child preparing to launch

We've been busy with college and scholarship applications lately. Adrianne did get all the paper work and essays done in time, but for those who will be doing this soon -- begin BEFORE December. She already was accepted to BYU-I and we're waiting on BYU-P. She'll have a big decision to make: Idaho has Lindy, Dana, grandparents and cousins all quite near OR Provo has a football team, and she's a big fan.
Next week we'll be going to Richmond where she's competing in the Sons of the American Revolution oration contest. She already won $100 and has a shot at winning more, but most of the contestants are from schools with professional speech and debate coaches, and so she's not counting on it.
She's finishing up her Personal Progress, preparing for her AP tests, and it feels like we're counting down the days until we're down to two kids at home. But we'll have the whole summer together.
What else? My mom and dad were in Israel lately and the Palestinians started chucking bombs at them, which made me nervous. Imagine -- me nervous about something my mom was doing -- what a switch!