Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We have had such a great year! Much of this is due to our wonderful family and friends, and we want to thank you for all you do for us. Life is good.
We had a wonderful time recently being a part of a play our church put on, "Savior of the World, His Birth and Resurrection." Originally I talked Adri and Quinn into being in the chorus, and they were game since a lot of their friends were also in it. But then Paul got guilted into it, since they needed a LOT of men (all those apostles and prophets). And he ended up enjoying it almost more than the rest of us. He was cast as the "tomb angel" and "ascension angel" and had a gorgeous white costume. All the rest of us were chorus angels who came to sing to the shepherds, or towns-people in our Jerusalem costumes. It was quite a big time commitment, rehearsing every Saturday morning for months, then the week leading up to the performance every evening until around midnight. But we pulled it off, did six performances, and many people came to see it again and again. The soloists were professional in quality, the cast of 140 blew the audience away, and the spirit was so strong that grown men were weeping. We will never forget this Christmas.