Monday, March 23, 2009

March Update

So Adrianne has decided to go to BYU-Provo. She really WANTED to go to BYU-I, where her sister and friend and many cousins and grandparents are. That would have been lots of fun for her, but I'm proud of her for doing what she felt, after praying about it, was right. More difficult for her and us though. At BYU-I we have the system down about the travel and housing and myriad details that need to be taken care of, and now we're starting from scratch again. She'll be on campus, and enrolled in Freshman Academy though, so that will help.
Lindy is doing great and will be home in three weeks. Last weekend was spent playing with cousins, the previous weekend was spent traveling to Montana with a rock band she's in to play a gig (I know -- but they're all BYU-I students so I guess it's OK). She is going on a field trip, with all the geology majors, to the Grand Canyon this weekend. Lucky her! Then the following weekend is conference at Grandma and Grandpa's. Then she comes home. You'd think with all of that she wouldn't have time to study, but I think she's getting all A's. Go girl!!!
Luke had fun at the science fair and won second place. He just about bailed out when we were planning on doing a project with solar ovens, but then we changed to dinosaurs and he was gung-ho again. See below.
Quinn continues to be awesome, sun-shiny, and cute. I'm his mother, so you won't believe me if I say he's perfect, but ask all the girls in the ward who have crushes on him.
Paul and I have a new project (we needed one?) that began by fixing a water leak that messed up a spot on the ceiling of the living room then why don't we also paint the walls but before we do that let's do some decorative trim but we also need to rip off the base molding because we are going to put in hardwood floor but then we should just do the floor now. But we backed up one step and are drawing the line there -- no floor right now. WHEW!
That's all for now!