Friday, November 14, 2008

Two endeavors

I haven't posted here in a while because I've been busy with two things - one mental and one physical. In the days leading up to the election I couldn't shake the feeling that I should try to advance ideas of freedom. I kept hearing about what people thought would be best for the economy, best for the middle class, for the poor, for the environment. But what is best is ALWAYS freedom, unfettered from government control except to make sure that no one tramples on anyone else's rights. How to change the world? Work within your own sphere of influence. So I have been working on starting up a book club where we will read books on government, economics, and American history. There are seventeen people who have said they would like to be a part, and our first meeting is Tuesday. I set up a blog for it at
The second LARGE endeavor has been finishing our basement so Juan, Jennifer, Samantha, Faith, Eden, and Zion could come stay with us while they are between houses. Juan has done a lot, but Paul and I have also been busy with it. I have tiled three rooms/areas, and now need to get the kitchen cabinets installed. The carpet should be coming Saturday, but the Arias's came yesterday, so it's a bit awkward. But we'll all survive.
Paul's parents were here and at Jennifer's for two weeks and we had a nice time with them (Thanks for staining the cabinets!) We went up to Gettysburg on a beautiful fall day and really enjoyed ourselves.