Someone told me that since I've now got a one year old, a two year old, and a three year old whose birthdays are all within two weeks of each other, I've got Irish triplets. I suppose that's true, and though only one of them is mine biologically, the work load around here supports that. A few weeks ago I changed three poopy diapers (two from one child) during an LDSHE Board meeting conference call--I've told them that these meetings have a laxative effect around here, since I always have at least one poopy to change--and handled some other minor emergencies, all within one hour. Answering the door is a joke--I feel for the visitors who get swarmed by three small children (four if after school hours) and a very friendly dog. And I try to avoid answering the phone unless it's someone who I know will understand the noise level in the background--the other day there was a detective on the phone when two kids ran into each other and the screaming commenced--not good.
On Thursday I decided that we should get out, and thought I'd try the Gainesville library, which is so tiny that it would be hard to get into too much trouble, right? Think again! The one year old wanted to go anywhere he wasn't supposed to and pull books off shelves, while the puzzles were the draw for the other two who thought that dumping them was fun--the more the merrier! Then the one year old kept trying to leave and the two year old wouldn't put his shoes on and wouldn't come. Then when we walked to the car they thought it would be more fun to run down to the tennis courts than get in the car. So I chased them there and herded them back, but then realized that the 2 year old had taken his shoes off again somewhere and I had no idea where. Luckily the three year old had seen him hide them (!) under a park bench and retrieved them.
The real trouble lies in that there are three different ability levels between them. I can baby-proof things for the one year old, but then the two and three year olds un-baby-proof. I can lock the back door and the one year old can't open it until the three year old decides to check the weather outside, etc.
Do I wish for my old life back? Sometimes. But when I see my son playing happily with the other triplets (they actually WANT to play his favorite game of "couch" with him, instead of just doing it because he wants them to, like Adri and Luke do), it's all worth it.