Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update time...

Here's the latest:
Lindy and Nick: Lindy is taking a horrific chemistry class and doing her senior project in geology (looking for evidence of an ancient lake in Swan Valley, ID) while her hubby slaves away taking five classes. She'll be done after this semester (could have been done before, but she didn't see a reason to rush it since Nick won't be done until the end of July) and they'll both walk in graduation on July 21st. She may get an internship, and they MAY go to China with some program they've been looking into. Then Nick will only have one year to go to finish his Masters in IT Security.
Adrianne: That girl is enthusiastically working at her (FINALLY!) chosen major of economics and is loving her class on Judaism. Tonight she is at a meeting that she set up at the Library to show a film on the Anti-Israel movement on American campuses. She has set her sights on attending BYU-Jerusalem (but needs to earn lots of cash -- any ideas would be welcome!)
Quinn: Still having a blast at BYU -- thought about staying on for Spring semester, but we miss him too much. He's working on his papers for his mission, and will probably go out toward the end of summer.
Luke: Turning 14 in a few days! We're going to have a "surprise party" for him since I bugged him for weeks about what he wanted to do and he couldn't decide. Finally today he said, "Surprise me." So I arranged some things and invited some people, but wouldn't tell him what was going to happen, and immediately afterwards he said "Nooooo! I want a say in it!" But it's too late Luke! You put me in charge, and don't worry -- you'll have fun.
Seth: Never has there been a sweeter baby. He lives to catch my eye and smile at me, especially when he wants me to pick him up, which I do way too much, as evidenced by the fact that he's almost 10 months old and still uses rolling around as his only method of mobility. But he's concentrating hard on talking (babbles almost all the consonants now) and loves to "read" books. So hopefully he'll be another easy child to homeschool -- it looks like it.
Paul and I: Enjoying our church callings, working hard at his job and my "job" of Speaker Coordinator for the LDS Home Educators conference coming up in May. Still trying to be good parents to our grown and not grown kids. Loving life.