Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What are we doing this summer?

I don't know! I'm no longer in control of my life! Between my four big kids we've got jobs, a potential internship, a college graduation, a mission, a possible extra semester, a High Adventure camp (that I still don't know a date for), a regional Youth Cultural event (that I DO know a date for, but it's the same as the college graduation), etc. I get a say in none of these things, and I'm just going to have to deal with it. If only I wasn't doing long-distance parenting, it wouldn't matter as much. If we could see the kids on the weekend or whenever they had a break from school, we wouldn't have to try so hard to make the stars align for a big trip out to see everyone, or worry about having two of the kids come home for the summer/before the mission and have us leave to go see family out west. This is for the birds! The only one with a workable schedule is the baby!