Friday, September 3, 2010

My New Life (as an Event Planner)

Changes! I'd never have thought that I'd be doing this (my strengths don't seem conducive to this) but here I am -- now the president of the Centreville Stake Young Women program and the Adult Conference Committee Chair of the LDS Eastern Home Educators' Conference (that's a lot of capital letters). I'm also continuing our science co-op, doing biology labs (with lots of icky dissection this year) and also organizing Eureka! club for some middle school and high school students in the area. All of these things are exciting and fun for me! I just wonder when I'm going to sleep, and if I'm going to be able to do a good job at each of them. And be a good wife and mother. And do the regular homeschooling stuff. But I always come back to "At least I'm not still working night shifts in the ICU!"

Actually, when the stake president called me, he specifically said that I shouldn't regard this position as that of an event planner, though that did come into it, but that I should think of how to set an example for the YW and their leaders. That's even a taller order -- maybe I'll set an example of how to over-schedule yourself until you don't know whether you're going or coming!