Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lindy's Home!

We've got our girl back, and we get to keep her for six weeks! We've been enjoying her mature-yet-randomly-silly personality a lot this past week. We went on an outing to Harper's Ferry -- yes, we were just there in June but it's one of our favorite places. We love to walk around the town and up the Appalachian Trail -- which runs right through here -- to an old cemetery that dates back to the 1740s. Walking through some of the steep, narrow alleys, with the crumbling buildings and outcroppings of stone may be the closest we ever get to touring the Mediterranean coast as a family. Paul has been to Italy (work-related) and has promised to take me, but the chances that we can all go together some time are not great, so we enjoy what we have.
We also went to Westmoreland State Park on the Potomac River (but it's so wide there that the opposite shore is hazy in the distance.) Last time we went there we didn't have the girls with us, and we enjoyed being all together as a family this time. Lindy had a class on fossils last semester, and we had a great time searching for them at Fossil Beach. We found some fossilized ray teeth and some pieces of the bone that is always washing out of the cliffs there -- but didn't find any fossil shark teeth like last time.