Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer at our house means...

Scouting, day trips, swimming, and carpentry. Quinn has been working on his Eagle, Luke has been working on being able to swim 100 yards to pass off his First Class, and Adrianne has just been working (babysitting, watering plants for people who are out of town, etc. -- none of the jobs she has tried for has panned out, and that's fine). Both Adrianne and Luke are going to build bookshelves for their rooms, so I've been helping them. Quinn purchased some chair-rail molding for his room, and is going to get it painted this summer (we are hoping for one of the less-wild paint schemes that he has in his head.) And I've been having fun making some oak trim for the basement, now that it will be available to work in again (in a week.)
We had a lot of fun with NaLyn and Amanda when they were here at the first of June. We went to Philadelphia, Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry, D.C. (of course) and managed to see some things that we hadn't seen before.