Thursday, September 24, 2009

School days

Here we go again! It's strange to be down to just the two boys in our homeschool, though I do find myself still spending time with things the girls are doing. Adrianne is writing her first paper for her "Advanced Writing and Rhetoric" class, and I've been giving her some input. Today Lindy is off with her geology class on a field trip to Yellowstone to study some the awesome mineral deposits there. I keep telling her I want to trade places with her -- doesn't that sound fun?
Quinn is super busy this year, being in the Youth Orchestra of Prince William, and taking violin lessons, and working at Cox Farms, and taking a Debate and Speech class at a homeschool support center, and trying to work on his last merit badges before his Eagle, and attending seminary at 5:45 a.m. Luke is taking trumpet lessons, doing a presentation on the Sun for our science co-op, trying to get his brain wrapped around the concept of being a part of our writing co-op, and working on his swimming requirements for Scouts.
I've been swamped with Relief Society things since I got back from vacation -- being gone for a month, there are lots of people on my "finding" and my "visiting" lists.
Paul is enjoying his calling as Venture Crew leader, and has been doing fun things with Quinn and his other boys.
Onward and upward!