Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Finding Fossils!

We had some great fun Saturday when we went down to Westmoreland State Park on the Potomac River. Millions of years ago this land was under an ocean, and as the cliffs slowly erode away they leave behind fossilized bones and teeth of ancient sea animals. In the Visitor's Center there is a four foot-tall scapula of a whale, and some five inch shark teeth. It had rained hard the night before (we had planned on camping, but decided against it) and so the "experts" had converged on the scene at first light to pick up what had washed out. One guy had some two-inch shark teeth and lots of other smaller ones. We didn't get there until the afternoon, so we didn't find anything that big, but we did find several bones and lots of small shark teeth of various kinds. Here is a cool web site that shows what we were doing and some of the things you can find, and below are more pictures of us.