Monday, May 25, 2009


It seems like everyone is moving on to new things. Adri took her AP English test and is finishing a few other things, then her official career as a homeschooler is done. She's got one more piano recital, then her lessons are over. She's going to her last year of girls camp (I'm going too) and then she'll do the Pioneer Trek and finish up her Personal Progress and then her time in the Young Womens' organization will also be over.
Quinn auditioned to move up to the Concert Orchestra of YOPW and made it. He was ordained a priest and the next Sunday blessed the sacrament and had his first baptism, his cousin Samantha.
Lindy is reading great books and drawing a lot and playing her guitar and applying for jobs. She may just do a bunch of babysitting this summer and not bother with being someone's employee. She came back from college all jazzed up about geology, and wants to go on a bunch of geology field trips around here.
Luke moved up to Boy Scouts and has already been camping a couple of times.
This week is the LDSEHE conference, and Quinn, Adri, and I are all going. I'm teaching three classes, and we're all playing a song with a Celtic feel, "The Islander," on violin, acoustic guitar and bodhran (Celtic drum) at the talent show. Adrianne is super excited because Jon Schmidt is coming to give a piano concert, and she is signed up for his class "Jon Schmidt's Darkest Songwriting Secrets."