Sunday, May 25, 2008

So many opportunities, so little time...

Lately it feels like we've been hustling from one really important thing to another. Paul had 24 hours to prepare to testify before the Senate Republican Conference on how energy policy could be improved to bring down energy costs. He was live on C-SPAN and we were all proud of him.
Then we hosted Dr. Arthur Robinson, a famous scientist and homeschooling dad at our house to discuss with us and some other homeschoolers how his six children had educated themselves after their mother died. They did so well that they aced the SAT, tested out of two years of college, and have advanced science degrees. They developed their own curriculum and educational philosophy, which is based on self-teaching. Basically, he or an older child taught them to read, and they taught themselves everything else. His big thing is that he doesn't help them when they have a problem. They have to look up the information and figure it out for themselves.
Next we hosted a piano recital at our home on our ALMOST finished deck (no one was injured). We had about fifty people here and had a cook out and the kids played their pieces on an electronic keyboard. They each also played a piece that they had composed, some of which were quite good!
Now we are coming up to the LDS Eastern Home Educators Conference in Virginia Beach. We are looking forward to some great classes and a lot of fun - the kids attend the youth conference, and I go to get my brain refilled with good ideas. Also this year I am honored to be on the discussion panel for the New Beginners seminar. But luckily that is first and then I can relax. I haven't been able to find out who recommended me for that.
Then the following week we are off for our vacation - only Paul won't be able to come with us because of some silly things that the Democrats are trying to do to destroy life as we know it. Our valiant warrior must stay behind to fight the dragons.