Friday, February 1, 2008

Letter of Resignation (HOORAY!)

February 1, 2008

Susan, Monica, Kim, and all of the wonderful ICU staff members,

The time has come for me to take leave of the nursing field for a while. Between my family, my homeschooling responsibilities, and my church responsibilities, I don’t have much time left for nursing. My youngest son is nine, and after he is on his way out the door I plan to go back for my Master’s and combine my love of nursing with my love of teaching.

Since 1994 I have enjoyed working with the knowledgeable, dedicated, and friendly staff of Fair Oaks ICU. It’s been heartening to see all the “random acts of kindness” that go on in the unit. Being around such nice people has made staying up all night bearable.

Thank you and take care,
Jeni Georgia