Friday, February 8, 2008


At our house we are all sick about what is going on in politics. The kids were devastated that Romney withdrew. I had to remind them that we survived eight years of Bill, and now may have to endure some with Hillary - but please don't let it be McCain! At least the Republicans in Congress will fight Hillary. When McCain tries to do the same things, they will go along with him. I don't know - maybe Obama would be preferable to either of them. At least he is sort-of a question mark, and could have a bit of integrity or morality? Maybe?

I love Ann Coulter (though she can be a bit crude) and here's what she says about McCain:
Coulter: He opposes [drilling in] ANWR and supports the global warming cult, even posturing with fellow mountebank Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of solar panels. Yes, he supported the surge, along with every other Republican worth mentioning, but he would shut down Guantanamo — the most successful rat trap in our nation's anti-terror fight — and he joins Code Pink in calling the Bush administration "torturers."
Oh yeah, he originally voted against the Bush tax cuts, but now says he would support them. And he libels our miraculous drug companies as “crooks.”
Newsmax: Do you really plan to campaign for Hillary if McCain is the GOP nominee?
Coulter: I will campaign against John McCain until Inauguration Day, which, God willing, will not be his.
Newsmax: What do you recommend conservatives do?
Coulter: Write in "Mitt Romney: or — if it’s close — vote for Hillary.

We read some really profound things about elections in our family read-aloud today, one of which I will share with you. From Frederic Bastiat (French economist and statesman from the mid 1800s):
“If law were restricted to protecting all persons, all liberties, and all properties; if law were nothing more than the organized combination of the individual’s right to self-defense; if law were the obstacle, the check, the punisher of all oppressions and plunder – is it likely that we citizens would then argue much about the extent of the (voting) franchise? If law were confined to its proper functions, everyone’s interest in the law would be the same.”
What would Mr. Bastiat think of our three-ring circus campaigns? He would probably think that we get just what we deserve. The fact that we pay so much attention to who is going to be elected is both a cause and a symptom of the disease we suffer. Everyone wants his bread to be buttered, and the fact that so much butter is being passed around makes us all nervously watch who the next butterer will be. We give them so much attention that when they get into office they think they are really something. Our elected officials who used to be called public servants are now our public masters, telling us what we can and can’t do, how much of our hard-earned money we can keep (only 60% of an average family’s income, according to the National Taxpayers Union), and now banning incandescent light bulbs (yes, if you hate fluorescent light, stock up before 2012, because they have just been outlawed! - but that’s the subject of another rant). In fact, they are now not just keepers of the peace, but have become Santa Claus - quite overtly in Hillary’s case. Did you see her gift-wrapping TV ad in December? It gave me the creeps. Oh isn’t she nice to pay for health insurance and “Universal Pre-K” (otherwise known as government child care like they had in the Soviet Union.) But wait, she’s passing the bill on to us!