My mom and dad are doing a 50th wedding anniversary get-away in their typical style, which means they are "anxiously engaged in a good cause" (or causes). They are driving cross-country visiting temples and doing family history research. They were able to spend over a week here with us and helped with many projects, including the huge one of keeping Seth happy.
We had three great moments they were able to participate in. The first was the ordination of Quinn to the Melchizedek priesthood, which his grandpa participated in. Immediately following that, all my men-folk were able to be part of a beautiful blessing that Paul gave to Seth - even Luke helped by holding the microphone. And then yesterday we held Quinn's Eagle Scout Court of Honor, and both of my parents were a huge help in that. We had some of Quinn's favorite youth leaders speak - Brian Nanto, Justin Turner, and Josiah Hunter. And of course, Paul, who has been Quinn's "youth leader" from the beginning, but also served as his Scout leader for a while.
We wish we lived closer to family so that visits would be more frequent, but we must take life as it comes. And having mom and dad all to ourselves for a week is something that wouldn't happen much if we lived closer. So we count our blessings!