This year has been one of much progress in our family. Some of us made physical progress, like the huge growth spurt Luke had. Others made educational progress: Lindy is in the last year of her geology major and loving it and Adrianne has finally settled on manufacturing engineering as her major. Quinn excelled on the SAT and is preparing to attend BYU and Paul attended a seminar to learn to do some very specialized economic modeling which will make him even more valuable to his company. Some of us made progress in organizational life skills: Jeni is now the Stake Young Women President and learning to juggle what that calling entails, Quinn completed his Eagle Scout project and has not missed a day of seminary.
We continue to develop our talents: writing, art, woodworking, and music. Adri has had lots of opportunities to play her guitar with several different groups. Lindy is always off seeing the geological wonders of the west with her geology classes, and she’s really becoming quite the rock hound. Quinn has been taking voice lessons, and Luke is learning piano, so some day they can perform together for their parents.
There’s something else afoot in the progress department, but you’ll have to check back on Christmas day or later to find out!